Point masses Vol.1

Rotating bodies Vol.2

Colliding bodies Vol.3

Trusses Vol.4

Flow of gasses and liquids Vol.5

Deformation of solid bodies Vol.6

Beams Vol.7

Point masses in inertial closed systems

In Volume 1 we study point masses in inertial closed systems.

The mathematical concepts of vector space with scalar and inner products are introduced. The experimental value of the gravitational constant G is given and the three physical dimensions, playing a role in mechanics, are discussed. As measuring units the meter, the kilogram and the second are introduced. Instead of basing the equations of motion for point masses on Newton's laws, we derived these equations from Galilei's principle of relativity and the hypothesis of conservation of energy.

Download Volume 1.

Computer program 'Newton' simulates the motion of n point masses.

J.F. Besseling: thermomechanics, point masses, vol 1.