Point masses Vol.1

Rotating bodies Vol.2

Colliding bodies Vol.3

Trusses Vol.4

Flow of gasses and liquids Vol.5

Deformation of solid bodies Vol.6

Beams Vol.7


In Volume 4 we apply the theory to structures built-up from bars, so called Trusses.

The index notation and summation convention are introduced. From mathematics the tools of linear algebra provide a convenient basis for a rigorous numerical analysis of the strength of structures, after they have been modelled as an assemblage of discrete structural elements, each with well-defined mechanical properties. The bar with its elastic stiffness EA/l, and a positive and negative limit value for its normal force N is the simplest example of such a discrete structural element.

Download Volume 4.

On the basis of the concepts and equations discussed so-far the interactive computer program 'Truss' was written for assessing the possibilities of computer simulation.
Computer program 'Truss'.

J.F. Besseling: thermomechanics, trusses, vol 4.