Point masses Vol.1

Rotating bodies Vol.2

Colliding bodies Vol.3

Trusses Vol.4

Flow of gasses and liquids Vol.5

Deformation of solid bodies Vol.6

Beams Vol.7

Colliding bodies

In Volume 3 we add collision and study colliding bodies.

The concepts of impuls and momentum are introduced and based on the conservation of momentum, Action = -Reaction, the perfectly elastic collision is modelled. Before we introduce the concept of deformation into our considerations we shall look at the theory of motion for rigid spherically symmetric bodies under the influence of concentrated forces, caused by collisions.

Download Volume 3.

Billiard balls moving on a flat horizontal table are a suitable study object.
Have fun with the Computer program 'Billiards'.

J.F. Besseling: thermomechanics, colliding bodies, vol 3.