Point masses Vol.1

Rotating bodies Vol.2

Colliding bodies Vol.3

Trusses Vol.4

Flow of gasses and liquids Vol.5

Deformation of solid bodies Vol.6

Beams Vol.7

Flow of gasses and liquids

In Volume 5 we add deformation to the theory and study material flow.

The fourth physical dimension temperature, the concept of entropy and the principle of local equilibrium are introduced. The central role that can be given to the principle of conservation of energy is demonstrated for the thermomechanics of gases, liquids and deformable bodies.

Download Volume 5.

The complete Navier-Stokes equations have been implemented in Computer program 'Flow'. The reader is invited to explore the possibilities of flow simulation by this program that, for making it accessible for personal computers, is limited to flow in two dimensions.
Computer program 'Flow'.

J.F. Besseling: thermomechanics, flow of gasses, liquids, vol 5.